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qualification standard造句

"qualification standard"是什么意思  
  • 1 in - line inspection systems qualification standard first edition
  • Qualification standards of water supply works for villages and towns
  • Electrical relays . general purpose relays . part 1 : all - or - noting relays with non - specified time . qualification standard
  • Low voltage switchgear and controlgear for industrial use . control switches . qualification standard for metal enclosed position switches
  • Article 19 schools must implement the national physical training qualification standards and ensure that the students have time for sports activities every day at school
  • University student physical quality test evaluation model based on neural network was set up according to " university student sports qualification standard "
    摘要依据《大学生体育合格标准》 ,建立起神经网络的学习样本,提出了基于神经网络的的男子大学生身体素质评估的训练模型。
  • The main content included the purpose of all kinds of welding procedure qualification standards , two types of welding procedure qualification , and the differences and similarities between the two types
  • Many countries established second board markets for very small companies , some of them are successful , but others have dismal record of failure . this paper hope to find the factors which contribute to the success of some and the demise of others by means of comparison of the major overseas second board markets " establishing method , market orientation , qualification standards for initial and continued listing , trading mechanism and supervision mechanism
  • It's difficult to see qualification standard in a sentence. 用qualification standard造句挺难的
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